For this episode of our subcultalks, we had the pleasure to interview Andrea Santamarina. Andrea is a Multidisciplinary Designer based in Madrid, Spain.
She is also the host of the Drawing and Ceramics Workshops that take place at her studio in Madrid de los Austrias.
1. What is the art you make?

2. How did you find your way to your art?
Those where I draft my pieces, thoughts, and references, whether personal or artistic, and those dedicated exclusively to characters, such as Territorio Turista. In these, I draw characters as if they were reportage-style photographs of my daily life.

3. What is the reason you continue to practice your art?
I grew up in an intellectual family, and my life has always been connected to creative work. I don’t know how to be in the world any other way; it’s my way of engaging with our surroundings. What I do best is drawing and conceptualizing, as well as teaching others how to do it. It’s what I can offer to others.
4. What is your personal highlight during your entire time as an artist?

5. When do you feel most productive?
I always feel most productive in the mornings; in the afternoons, I dedicate my time to raising my daughters.
6. What or who inspires you?
I am inspired by popular objects linked to our territory and techniques that are no longer in use, as well as the work of creative friends I admire.
7. In which "small" things do you find the most joy?

8. Do you have a vision or goal you are working towards?

9. What is a life well lived for you?
A life enjoyed and happy, doing the things you love and having time to be with.
10. What do you do when you feel "stuck"?
I don’t usually feel that way; I am a very optimistic and productive person.
11. How do you deal with setbacks?
Setbacks are part of the job; I try to focus on solving them without worrying too much.
12. What is your favorite feeling?

13. What is your least favorite feeling?
Fear.14. What are you most afraid of?
That something happens to the people I love, and that fascism returns, bringing with it the loss of freedoms and rights that previous generations fought so hard to achieve.
15. What is a book you highly recommend (the first one that comes to your mind)?

16. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

17. Your favorite guilty pleasure?

When you'd like to meet, create and learn from Andrea in real life, you can do so during one of her next Drawing and Ceramics Workshops at her studio in Madrid de los Austrias, Spain. For more information, feel free to reach out to us or leave your comment in the section below.
Hasta la próxima!
Kat and Team subcultours