subcultalk with visual artist Katja Jungwirth from Munich, Germany

Katja Jungwirth is a self-taught visual artist from Munich. She is also the host of the "Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshops that take place at her art studio and home in Munich. 

"Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshop in Munich, Germany by subcultours

Katja loves black coffee, a good sense of humor (also black), intelligent conversation and a strong drink in good company. She is slightly obsessed with dark chocolate (the darker, the better), the color pink and watching old black and white movies (especially Billy Wilder's "Some like it hot").

Her paintings are predominantly in acrylic, but she also uses other materials such as oil pastels, charcoal and spray paint. 

"Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshop in Munich, Germany by subcultours

We did a subcultalk with Katja. Read her answers below! 

1. What's the art you're doing?

If I had to describe my pictures or my style in just three words, the terms “feminine, expressive and emotional” would probably be the most appropriate. I mainly paint large-scale paintings, all on raw canvas and mostly with acrylic paint.

In addition to my own feelings, I often draw inspiration from song lyrics, poems or text passages from books. Originally, my works were exclusively abstract, but over time more and more figurative motifs have emerged, so that today I freely switch between abstraction and figuration or combine both. I find that particularly exciting and I love trying out new things and not having to restrict myself.

Oh yeah…and the color pink always comes up in some way in my paintings.

"Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshop in Munich, Germany by subcultours

2. What's your favorite feeling?

The feeling of lightness! The absence of worries and the opportunity to fully enjoy the moment.

"Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshop in Munich, Germany by subcultours

3. What's your favorite word?

Oh, that's hard!
I think German language in particular has such incredibly beautiful words that I can't possibly choose just one. Right at the top of my list are, for example "Sehnsucht, Weltschmerz, Unendlichkeit, Heimweh" ( = Longing, world pain, infinity, homesickness) ... oh ... I could go on and on!

 "Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshop in Munich, Germany by subcultours

4. What's the best wake-up time for you?

I like to get up early for something nice. Then I also enjoy this incredibly great and peaceful atmosphere in the morning. But actually I love sleeping late, getting up for breakfast and then just going back to bed with a cup of coffee. Overall, however, it should be about seven hours of sleep per night on average, otherwise my fellow human beings will not enjoy me :-)

"Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshop in Munich, Germany by subcultours

5. What are you most afraid of?

What I fear most is that something will happen to the people who are close to me.

Oh yeah...and snakes! I'm incredibly scared of them. I don't know why, but I can't even look at photos of them.

"Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshop in Munich, Germany by subcultours

6. What's the feeling you like the least?

It's not really a feeling, but the feeling that comes when you keep thinking the same stupid thought over and over again and can't stop it - I don't like that at all!

"Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshop in Munich, Germany by subcultours

7. What makes you feel most alive?

To laugh - with all my heart and preferably with someone together! And not being able to stop...

"Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshop in Munich, Germany by subcultours

8. What inspires you most?

Thoughts and feelings - either my own or someone else's.
And when they're wrapped up in beautiful words, poems or songs, that's what inspires me the most.

"Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshop in Munich, Germany by subcultours

9. What do you do when you feel sad?

Painting while listening to music! After that I always feel better!

"Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshop in Munich, Germany by subcultours

10. Your favorite guilty pleasure? 

Pizza Hawaii! Yes, the one with the pineapple...I know. 🙈

 "Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshop in Munich, Germany by subcultours

This was our subcultalk with visual artist Katja Jungwirth.

Thanks for your time and sharing your inspiring way of living and creating dear Katja! 

"Abstraction, Figuration and Emotion" Painting Workshop in Munich, Germany by subcultours

To meet Katja in real life, check out her workshop that takes place at her home studio in Munich here. Y
ou have the opportunity to create your own large-scale acrylic painting on raw canvas. Starting with a figurative sketch that you draw at the beginning of the workshop, you can let your feelings run freely and put everything that moves you on the canvas.

Until next time! 
Your Kat

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