subcultalk with Marzia Braggion, visual artist, scanographer, video editor and host of the "Scanography - the Art of Scanner Photography Workshops" in Lisbon, Portugal

We did a lil' subcultalk with visual artist, scanographer and video editor Marzia Braggion, who's the host of our "Scanography" - the Art of Scanner Photography - Workshops in Lisbon, Portugal. We wanted to know from her what exactly "Scanography" is, how she gains her inspiration and enthusiasm from nature and light and why her current favorite word "ethereal" is.
Have a read below!

"Scanography" -the Art of Scanner Photography- Workshop - in Lisbon, Portugal by subcultours

What’s the art you’re doing?

The technique that I enjoy the most is scanography, which never fails to surprise me with its unpredictable results. It allows me to experiment with colors, flowers, and the beauty of nature in general. It's interesting to note that botanical subjects are commonly explored by artists practicing this technique. I believe that organic shapes yield stunning results in terms of shadows and forms when captured using the scanner's light. The images produced possess incredible contrast and depth. Consequently, I enjoy manipulating the botanical layers that I create. For instance, in The SpaceShip project, I combine botanical scanography with astrological concepts. However, I also enjoy venturing into new creative avenues, such as crafting video loops and digital collages, always incorporating scanner art and vibrant ideas.

subcultalk with Marzia Braggion, visual artist, scanographer, video editor and host of the "Scanography - the Art of Scanner Photography Workshops" in Berlin, Germany 2

What’s your favorite feeling?

Joy. Happiness is akin to a radar, as our feelings serve as reflections of the situations we find ourselves in. Therefore, I prioritize surrounding myself with and seeking out circumstances that bring me comfort and joy. I strive to construct a life centered around such experiences. However, when I sense stress or pressure, I promptly reassess my direction and make adjustments accordingly. While controlling feelings can be challenging, it is comparatively easier to manage thoughts and situations. With this understanding, I make a conscious effort to cultivate positive vibes and select the right individuals and circumstances that contribute to the best possible feelings.

"Scanography" -the Art of Scanner Photography- Workshop - in Lisbon, Portugal

What’s your favorite word?

The appeal of favorite words often relies on the particular stage of life one is in. Currently, I find myself greatly fascinated by the word "ethereal," as it encompasses multiple meanings with which I deeply resonate.

"Ethereal" captures the essence of something unreal, dreamlike, or existing in the realm of imagination. It evokes a sense of enchantment and surrealism. Moreover, it can denote a celestial or otherworldly quality. This word fills me with a feeling of lightness and wonder, aligning with my identification with the creation of digital art as a whole.

The concept of ethereality is intangible, transcending the limitations of time and space. Digital artworks, in particular, embodies this quality. It remains untarnished by the corrosion of time and can be stored anywhere. Its original beauty can be accessed from any corner of the world. It's worth mentioning that "Ethereum", is also the name of the most widely used cryptocurrency in the realm of NFTs (non-fungible tokens).

"Scanography" -the Art of Scanner Photography- Workshop - in Lisbon, Portugal

What’s the best wake-up time for you?

Setting my wake-up time between 7 and 8 is ideal for me. This allows me to go for a run before beginning work, which is perfect for my routine. Additionally, it gives me the sense of having the entire day ahead of me to savor and enjoy.

"Scanography" -the Art of Scanner Photography- Workshop - in Lisbon, Portugal by subcultours

What are you most afraid of?

In this reality, every manifestation begins as a thought. Therefore, I consciously refrain from entertaining thoughts that could instill fear within me.

"Scanography" -the Art of Scanner Photography- Workshop - in Lisbon, Portugal

What’s the feeling you like the least?

Fear, because it acts as a hindrance, impeding my progress.

"Scanography" -the Art of Scanner Photography- Workshop - in Lisbon, Portugal

What makes you feel most alive?

The act of creation and witnessing the outcomes of my efforts brings me a profound sense of vitality. Moreover, observing nature itself reveals a language of the universe, where geometry serves as its alphabet for every manifestation in this realm.

I believe that creation holds fundamental significance for all conscious beings. The journey from an initial idea or a subconscious sentiment to the act of bringing something into existence is a uniquely special process. It allows me to reflect upon and discover layers of meaning that were previously hidden from my awareness. Engaging in the observation of creation in its various forms invigorates my spirit and truly makes me feel alive.

"Scanography" -the Art of Scanner Photography- Workshop - in Lisbon, Portugal

What inspires you most?

The marvels of nature never cease to inspire me. I find great fascination in the inherent perfection present in the shapes, cycles, and celestial movements found in the natural world. Observing the interconnectedness between the moon phases and the tides, the influence of the sun on the seasons and life on Earth, and recognizing that the colors we perceive are simply different frequencies, fills me with awe. It also reminds me of the vast array of phenomena that exist beyond our sensory perception, reminding us of our limited understanding of nature.

Moreover, I ponder the significance of light. Whether I'm using a scanner or a camera, I am acutely aware of the transformative power of light as it facilitates a dimensional shift. It is as if "light is a stabilizing factor for dimensional shift," allowing me to capture and generate two-dimensional representations from our three-dimensional reality. This realization further deepens my appreciation for the interplay between light, perception, and the creation of visual representations.

"Scanography" -the Art of Scanner Photography- Workshop - in Lisbon, Portugal by subcultours

What do you do when you feel sad?

I frequently find solace by visiting the beach and basking under the warm sun, occasionally even dozing off on the sandy shore. This experience leaves me feeling recharged and content, knowing that I have embraced a beautiful day immersed in nature, absorbing the energy of the sun and the radiant light emanating from the countless stars in the sky, as if they were watching over me.

Unfortunately, it is not always feasible to go to the beach. During such times of longing or sadness, I tend to retreat into solitude. I might shed a few tears, listen to music, and seek solace in sleep, allowing myself to find comfort and respite.

"Scanography" -the Art of Scanner Photography- Workshop - in Lisbon, Portugal by subcultours

Your favorite guilty pleasure?

Investing extensive amounts of time scrolling through social media or becoming absorbed in online content. It's fun, and I find it irresistible to click on various links. On the other side it is unproductive, yet it can also be highly addictive.

"Scanography" -the Art of Scanner Photography- Workshop - in Lisbon, Portugal

Thanks Marzia, for your time, for your energy and for your willingness to give us such profound insight in your emotional and creative life as an artist!

When you want to get to know Marzia in person and learn "Scanography" first hand from her, then make sure you book a spot of her "Scanography" - the Art of Scanner Photography - Workshop at her private home and atelier in Lisbon. 

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Until next time!
Your Kat
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