Sabela García Cuesta is an inspiring and very engaged woman and visual artist based between Hamburg, Germany and L.A., U.S. She is also a wellness entrepreneur and host of soulful events and experiences such as her two subcultours that you can see and book here.
During our subcultalk with Sabela, we wanted to know why her favorite feeling gratitude is, what makes her feel most alive and how she overcomes her sad moments. Have a read here.
What’s the art you’re doing?
I do two types of artwork. On the one hand, I love seeing through people and immortalizing them with portraits - as much as I like portraying myself. Lately, I have been on a mission focusing on portraits of women's breasts to raise awareness about self love and self acceptance and I am loving to accompany women through this healing journey.
On the other hand, I do intuitive figurative artwork in which certain symbolism tends to repeat (birds, plants, water, circles, busts, faces). They deliver, most of the time, some sort of hidden message to me or to the viewer. These paintings often play a premonitory role in my life and are a way to connect to something bigger than myself. I explain more about this special connection to my artwork in my TEDx talk.
What’s your favorite feeling?
Gratitude. Once you are thankful for what you have, for what you lost, for the lows, for the highs, and feel that everything is just ok, and accepting that all is developing the way it has to be, you meet inner peace, contentment and reach a state of bliss.
What’s your favorite word?
My favorite word is actually two: "shabbat shalom".I feel that these greeting words are electrifying. It announces rest, peace, joy, celebration and states that another week of life has been accomplished. It helps me to acknowledge the time passing yet anchoring to the moment.
What’s the best wake-up time for you?
Very early, before everyone else and ideally with natural light. This way I can avoid the noise interfering with my mental activity.
What are you most afraid of?
Getting trapped in memories and holding too much resistance to what it was yesterday and is not anymore today.
What’s the feeling you like the least?
Anxiety. I have suffered for many years from it and thankfully, I have found my tools to deal with it. It is a horrible feeling mostly caused by thinking about the future and the pile of things you have to accomplish all the time instead of being peacefully present in the now.
What makes you feel most alive?
Finishing the shower with ice cold water - hehehe. Cold showers apart, everything sensorial. Smelling flowers, watching sunsets, eating a delicious meal cooked with love, listening to someone sing. It’s about the simple things.
What inspires you most?
Definitely getting exposed to other cultures and rituals that are far from my daily life. I love to see things from different perspectives and challenge what is “real” and what is “normal”.
What do you do when you feel sad?
I feel it so I can heal it. I allow myself to feel sad and find a way to release it. Writing, drawing, crying…There is probably nothing worse than getting the pain that makes you feel sad stored in your body.
Your favorite guilty pleasure?
The yummiest brownies and peanut butter cups from my buddy Johnalan in Hamburg. It’s so hard to stay away from them. Pure decadence!
This was our subcultalk with artist Sabela García Cuesta.
Thanks for your time and sharing your inspiring way of living dear Sabela!
To meet Sabela in real life, check out her workshops that take place at her pop up studio in Hamburg here.
You can either paint your own breasts and create a powerful and unique form of self-portraiture during her "Self-Love through Breast Portraiture Workshop" or immerse yourself in your artistic endeavor, connect with your inner self and let your emotions and inspirations take shape on the canvas during her "Intentional Painting Workshop at Art Sanctuary".
Until next time!
Your Kat